Flocking Party

Last week we had a party where we made flamingos. We outlined, cut, and painted the flamingos, and they turned out even better than we hoped. We plan to use these flamingos as a fundraiser that we call “flocking.” Flocking is when you place flamingos on the lawns of family and friends and leave a note explaining that they must pay a certain amount to get the flamingos removed from their front yard or to have them placed on another person’s yard. We are hopeful that this fundraiser will be successful, and we look forward to flocking our first house!

FLL and Jr.FLL Meeting 8/6

We are so excited for the new challenge this year, titled “World Class Learning Unleashed.” Watch the teaser here:

In honor of this season’s challenge, Jr. FLL created a desk and chair using LEGOs…

And FLL made a list of “what would make school better.”

The official release date for World Class is August 26th. We’re thinking that there will be plenty of color sensors for the girls to program!